
Country Farm and Business Management

Business and country planning is the process of planning each aspect of a farm operation in order to maximise earnings and profits. It is a complicated task that requires a range of technical, economic and human analytical and conceptual skills. The problem is that the final result of any action is dependent on the conditions that cannot be predicted or guaranteed and requires a degree of flexibility to deal with uncertainty.

Business and farming are inextricably linked, and a successful farmer has to consider both sides of the equation. For instance, he or will need to plan production in accordance with the market price and climate conditions while at the same time being a good financial manager, deciding how to raise funds to fund the business in the future, and monitoring progress towards the goals set.

It is vital that the business owner has sufficient revenue from other sources to cover operating expenses and provide a safety for unexpected events or emergency situations. In addition the proper public facilities should be available to accommodate customers and visitors (e.g. Parking, signage, education, and customer support are all important.

Many ranches and farms offer an educational experience to their visitors that concentrates on food and fiber production along with land stewardship and background of agriculture. This is a fantastic way to retain and attract customers and is often appreciated by the general public. You might be able to get funding from a state or local agency to help pay the cost of education.